Episode 100 - Jon Castelli, Matt Beckley, Bainz, Cian Riordan, Teezio

Show Notes:

Live with Matt Rad - Episode 100
Aug 23, 2022

w/ Jon Castelli - Week 80
w/ Matt Beckley - Week 4
w/ Bainz - Week 5
w/ Cian Riordan - Week 5
w/ Teezio - Week 6

Show notes by: Bradley Will

This is our 100th episode!

  • We’re going to spend the day just hanging out.

Jon and Matt met years ago at an EP release party that was being hosted at Jon’s home.

I’ve changed my mind a great deal by hearing myself talk out loud during these discussions.

  • I’ve gone back and forth on so many things that I’ve said I do or don’t do in these conversations.

My reflection is on the ability to change my mind and not be set in my ways.

I recently used an 1176 compressor on a mix, despite staunchly stating that I don’t compress.

There have definitely been dramatic changes in how I work through the process of filming these episodes.

I want to be declarative and then force myself to test those claims and then decide if they’re true or worth adhering to.

I would like to declare that I am no longer against the RVox plugin.

I’ve really grown a lot from having this outlet to speak. To challenge myself to understand a methodology that I’ve been going for.

I’ve gained a huge amount of understanding about making records by simply having to explain what I do on these talk.

  • If you really understand something, then you can teach it.

Breaking down knowledge in this way often helps the teacher as much as it does the student.

Matt Beckley joins the chat

Matt Beckley:
The Discord server is such a great place for people to hear about how records are actually made.

Cian Enters the chat

Matt Rad:
What we’re doing here is having conversations about what it feels like to be a record maker and providing an enduring resource for the new record makers.

Matt Beckley:
A great thing about experienced record makers like us sharing our preferences for gear or other choices is that we have an easily-referenced discography that anyone can visit and reference to contextualize those preferences. Whereas some stranger sharing their preferences in an online forum are unable to provide the context for where there opinion lies.

  • When Jon says he likes something we, as viewers, know what Jon thinks is good or what his records sound like.

  • When the pros in these discussions recommend something everyone knows where they’re coming from and what their domain is.

Trying to learn on the internet, where anyone can post their opinions is like the Wild West, and you have to find a way to interpret or weigh the validity of the information that these strangers are providing you with.

Jon and Matt Beckley:
Sometimes you use the same gear for so long that you forget what it actually sounds like. It’s worth occasionally taking the time to remove that gear from your workflow or to do a shootout with other gear to remind yourself of what qualities it’s imparting that you may have forgotten about or taken for granted.

Matt Beckley and Cian leave the chat

It’s important to understand why you’re putting something on your mix. Do you have a deliberate reason for doing so, or was it something that you picked up in the past without a strong understanding of why it was used?

Bainz and Teezio join the chat

Do things that you like and put them out into the world.

  • That’s how I met Bainz and Teezio, by doing this series.

  • Do it with love, and it will all come back.

There’s not a single instance of me sending off a mix or production for approval where I don’t feel some anxiousness around how it will be received.

  • The feedback can be anywhere from instant love to complete radio silence.

  • I have to remind myself that this is all a part of the process and that I need to send it on and move on to the next thing instead of worrying.

  • “Be impatient with action. Be patient with results.”


Episode 101 - Jon Castelli


Episode 99 - Tyler Johnson